Thursday, June 25, 2015

Last two days...

     My last two days here... They were incredible but also heartbreaking. 
     On Wednesday, I went out to eat with all my girlfriends. We were all there except for ONE person, so that's amazing. We had so much fun just chatting over lunch and eating great food. During lunch, one of my absolute best friends, probably the one I'm closest to (not including Fernanda), gave me a gift from her and Sara. Sara and Olatz are the two girls from my class that have been there for me and helped me along since the beginning, so we have a really special bond. They gave me a heart picture frame with a bunch of pictures of us in it and a letter. I was almost crying just reading it. 
     After eating, a couple of the girls had to leave, but the rest of us hung around and went to some little plaza that had a fountain. We sat there, half of us on the bench, half of us on the ground, and we just talked and laughed and gossiped and took pictures until we couldn't anymore. 

 Nech y Olatzzzz
 Olatz, Nech, yo, Fer, Esti x2
 I love these two ladies
 Naro mi princesa vasca
 We're dysfunctional 
 Olatz, Fer, yo, Nech, Jone, Esti, Naro, Alazne, Esti
Last time ALL together :'(

     I thought we were just going to go for lunch and then go home but we ended up hanging out until 7:30. Saying goodbye was so hard. It just doesn't feel real. I couldn't believe that it was really the last time that I was going to see them. I told them thank you for everything they've done for me, for allowing me to be a part of their classes, their group, their lives. Olatz started crying which made me cry. It's just crazy because you look at them in the eyes and you hug them and you just never want to let go, never want to leave them. Because they've become your best friends, they've become your support system, they've become your life. It's so hard to have to say goodbye.
     Today, I was interviewed for a local newspaper because one of the journalists is an AFS volunteer. They asked the typical questions that we always get asked: "How are you?" "How is your year going?" "Do you like Bilbao?" "Why did you choose Spain?" "Why did you choose to study abroad?" "How do you feel about going home on Saturday," etc...
     Then after that, I had to go to my school to get the transcript and papers for my school, which was a bunch of technical stuff, but it gave me a chance to say goodbye to some of my professors, the director, and my tutor. It's hard to say goodbye to them too, because they're not just professors that taught us classes, they're the professors who have taught me Spanish, taught me classes, taught me how to be strong, taught me how things work. They're the people who have been guiding me, helping me, and yet still allowing me to be ME. I can't thank them enough for all their help this year.
     Later, I got together with my two best friends, Fernanda and Kacper. Fer has been my best friend since GENUINELY day 1. We both walked into the school office the first day very lost and very confused (she is new here this year from Mexico). We clung to each other from the beginning, helping each other out...well her more than me, because she's the one who practically taught me Spanish. And the second day of school, Kacper walked up to us, introduced himself, and since that day, the three of us have never been separated. We've been inseparable all year, and I can't imagine my year without would NEVER have been the same. They're my favorite pair. I lean on them for everything and I've never laughed harder or trusted more than when I'm with them. I love them so much it's crazy, and I don't know how I'm supposed to go on without my two best friends.
 NANDA heheh
We love each other I swear

     Saying goodbye is killing me. Tomorrow I'll find out what it's REALLY like to say goodbye when I leave the bus station and I leave Euskal Herria, my home. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to it.

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